Lost Falls Trail - Cornucopia, WI


In my constant search of waterfalls, I found this gem no more than 15 minutes from my campsite in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. It was a little less than 3 miles round trip and just enough of a stretch to warm me up and make my mittens useless.

I sat and painted for a while, to no great success, but still part of the practice, nonetheless. The most joy my day could have had, though, came from exploring under the waterfall, which I could fit entirely under and look around. When the dogs discovered me underneath they took off in a bolt to catch up and share in the exploration. Everyone got soaked, which served well to make our walk back much faster.

P.S. I learned the name of these mushrooms (picture above) around here (the Alice in Wonderland style) are Amanita Flavoconia.


The Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota


Lake Lunch in Wisconsin with the Dogs